Larry I Akinde

Managing Partner

Larry has been in the financial industry for 20+ years. He is a financial professional trusted for his service, knowledge and ultimate personal care. He collaborates with his clients, helping them to manage their goals, while also making their lives more enjoyable.

Larry finished college in only three years and intended to return to his homeland of Nigeria, but was told to stay and get more professional experience. He moved quickly through a number of management and finance positions until landing at Primerica Financial Services where he spent 14 years climbing from the position of Registered Representative through district and division leadership roles until he became a Regional V.P. with a sales team of 65 people. In 2003 he was selected to move to the UK - to be on the startup team to open the first non-American Primerica office. With an enormous amount of respect for his wife's position in her career – as a senior information management officer at the International Monetary Fund - Larry chose to divide his time between six-week stints with his team in the UK and two-week trips home to be with her.

Larry resides in Rockville, MD with his wife and three children. He graduated from Langston University in Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, majoring in finance, an MBA in finance from University of Maryland and then obtained a Certificate in Financial Planning from Georgetown University, Washington, DC. He is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and of the Financial Planning Association. Locally, a mentor at the Boys and Girls Club and volunteers at a food pantry. Larry was instrumental in starting a USA alumni group of former graduates of Lagos African Church Grammar School whose mission is to raise money to support 800+ students. Larry holds his Series 26, 6, 63 and is licensed to assist families and businesses with Property, Causality, Life & Health insurances.

Laura Starr Ramos

Office Manager & Marketing Specialist

Laura is an award-winning CEO with 20+ years’ experience as a serial entrepreneur starting and managing several successful businesses in the Washington, DC area. Laura joined the AFG team in 2021 bringing many years of expertise in working with businesses to help them run more effectively and take over marketing/events and office management. With a degree in Hospitality & Tourism Management from Virginia Tech, Laura understands how important details and service are.

When not parenting her 2 young men, Laura volunteers with several local non-profit organizations that focus on homelessness, hunger, children and entrepreneurship.